Thanks! That is very helpful.

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Thanks! That’s close but not quite right. I’ll play around.

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As I am developing the artwork to go along with my rock opera, I'm hoping to model it after punk rock show flyers from the 1980s. How does MJ do with ragged looking photocopy type art? Or is it too "pretty" to use for that?

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Pls do a how to on a graphic novel w MJ

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When you say [subject] what am I putting in there. What’s the full prompt. That would have helped me more to see in full. Thank you.

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I like the simplicity of this approach, and I bet it will work just as well (or close) for GPT4/Dall-E. Nice!

I've been asking a lot more lately for graphic novel style stuff. I love those old styles and they represent a tiny piece of me in my work.

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